Big Things, Small Things

I've had a hilarious epiphany the last few days. I moved to a smaller ship, from one of almost 300ft to one that is about 150ft long, and with a beam has decreased from 50ft to 25ft. So basically a ship that is half the size. Which is a huge change, cabins are smaller, amount … Continue reading Big Things, Small Things

Thoughts on Unmanned Vessels

Some people have asked me in the past whether all the advances in technology will eventually leave me without a job. With the invention of self driving cars, trucks, and ships I can see how some people could see a marine engineers job becoming more and more obsolete.  Predictions see unmanned vessels in the water … Continue reading Thoughts on Unmanned Vessels

One Year of Sailing, Things I’ve Learned as a Woman at Sea

Its been a long year of sailing and new adventures. There were good days and bad, ones where I love my job and others where I cried and questioned what the hell I was doing here. But through it all I kept learning. I learned things Ishouldn't have to learn in this day and age, … Continue reading One Year of Sailing, Things I’ve Learned as a Woman at Sea

Why a job always takes 1000 times longer than expected

I have a bad habit at work. I consistently underestimate the amount of time it takes to do a job. This is partly because I always assume my first idea will work flawlessly (unfortunately, untrue), that when I fabricate something for the job I'll be able to find everything required right away, and that nothing … Continue reading Why a job always takes 1000 times longer than expected